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By clicking you are accepting the terms and conditions, you can consult our Notice of Privacy.
9 am - 8 pm
9 am - 6 pm
Octubre 2023
Vestigio es aquello que nos permite inferir la existencia de algo que ha sucedido, la obra de Karla de Lara son vestigios construidos de pinceladas, colores, texturas y formas hechos lienzos y esculturas, la mirada reflexiva de Karla de Lara son elementos de acción que producen un nuevo sentido artístico en su obra, nos introducen al poder de lo simbólico, de sus propios simbolismos que extrae de la cultura pop, del realismo de los paisajes urbanos, para hacernos parte del imaginario colectivo llevado al pop art y al hiperrealismo.
La mirada de Karla de Lara no solo muestra el continuo devenir de imágenes sino que también nos narran la ruta de lo que observa construyendo historias sin fin que en cada irrepetible fragmento desglosa el deseo de lo que podría aparecer en una escena, en un retrato, en un paisaje pictórico. Las series que conforman esta exposición nos dan cuenta de los planos paralelos que son disimiles entre sí, series pictóricas llenas de color para hacernos sentir lo vivaz de las ciudades que habitamos para luego introducirnos a las series en blanco y negro con un fuerte componente melancólico, ahí tenemos lo disímil pero paralelo, vivaz y melancólico. Las esculturas que forman parte de este trayecto nos dan cuenta de la potencia creadora de una mirada que encapsula en lo matérico la cultura pop de nuestra época, planos, simbolismos, imaginarios, vestigios que nos remiten a una época llena de paralelos y contrastes.
Planos paralelos de Karla de Lara construye, escenifica el fundamento de una memoria personal e íntima así como muestra las prácticas de intercambio de saberes. El Centro Cultural Casa Gemela detona con Planos Paralelos con la mirada de Karla de Lara reflexiones que den actualidad a las problemáticas del arte contemporáneo para detonar diálogos y reflexiones con el público espectador.
Madre del pop art hiperrealista, es una artista mexicana reconocida internacionalmente por ser la creadora de su propia técnica original a base de tintas y ceras.
Cursó la carrera de Diseño Gráfico e Industrial en la Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara y posterior a esto, estudió Artes Plásticas en la Academia de Bellas Artes de Florencia, Italia. Además, cuenta con un sinfín de estudios especializados, incluyendo óleo, acuarela, serigrafía, caligrafía y restauración.
El estilo de Karla de Lara se caracteriza por transportar a los espectadores a paisajes arquitectónicos con luces brillantes y colores dominantes que evocan recuerdos y experiencias. La atención de Karla en la comprensión de la luz, la atmósfera y las formas abstractas logra transmitir su propia interpretación de la realidad de una manera sorprendente.
Uno de los logros más destacados de Karla es haber sido invitada a exhibir en las salas de MACRO, donde realizó un live performance de 6 días, pintando en vivo dentro de una caja de cristal ante miles de visitantes.
Su carrera artística incluye más de 400 exposiciones individuales en 40 países y ha sido galardonada con al menos una veintena de premios internacionales y nacionales.
En 2018, obtuvo el primer lugar en la Bienal de las Naciones de Venecia, convirtiéndose en la primera mexicana en lograrlo. Su obra “Visiones” se encuentra en el Museo Nacional de Historia, siendo la primera pieza de un artista vivo en formar parte de la colección.
Entre sus coleccionistas se encuentran grandes figuras nacionales e internacionales de la música y el cine, así como destacados diseñadores y creadores de diversos géneros. Además, importantes fundaciones de arte también poseen su obra en sus colecciones.
Karla mantiene una importante colaboración artística con prestigiosas marcas. Asimismo, cuenta con una exposición permanente de su obra en el Aeropuerto Internacional de la Ciudad de México, donde viajeros de todas partes del mundo, han tenido oportunidad de admirar su arte.
Returns will be made within 15 business days of completion of the course, by electronic transfer in the name of the person who carried it out.
The Certificate of Attendance: This certificate will only be delivered to people who have duly completed the registration for the course, and provided that your attendance at the same has been greater than 80%.
Replacement policy: If the registered person cannot participate in the course and prior notice at least 4 calendar days prior to the date of celebration, it may be replaced by another person or offer an alternative date if there is one.
In case of offering an alternative date to the registered person, he / she must do it again through the page your registration for the new date.
Cancellation policy: The right is reserved to postpone or cancel an event if there is no enough people registered, or if the Trainers cannot attend due to health problems. The payments received for registrations will be fully reimbursed, except for the expenses of management that it may cause, but we will not be able to make any other type of compensation.
Data Protection: In some cases it will be necessary to communicate the list of attendees to the centers where training is given such as LUA. The purpose is to manage assistance properly and will not be used for other purposes. We can use in base to the legitimate interest the email you have provided us to keep you informed of similar events and courses. You can unsubscribe from any electronic communication using the link that for this purpose is sent in the statement itself.
The websites of the Casa Gemela, Center of Art and Culture aims to present content aimed at members of its community and the general public.
In this way, it seeks to strengthen its presence on the internet and be the source of information timely and reliable institutional. In order to ensure the achievement of this objective, the following general guidelines for the publication of websites:
All information will be verified by the editors of the site to guarantee its truthfulness, timeliness and accuracy before and during its publication.
The information published on the site should be useful to the community and always will seek to highlight the aspects that favor the good image of Casa Gemela, the respect for human rights, the promotion of a culture of legality and well-being of the society.
This site will be a space for the democratic expression of the members of the community university, for which the dissemination of plural opinions that are do within a framework of respect, tolerance and impartiality.
You will not be able to do any type of proselytizing of political or union ideas, as well as The contents that promote violence, sectarianism, intolerance, racism, vices or any illegal act.
The commercialization of the spaces within this website is prohibited. Yes it is necessary to publish some special content by an institution external to the Casa Gemela, must be formally requested to the administrators of the site, where They must specify the characteristics and duration of said publication. No agreement Publication with an external entity may be for life.
Any request for publication on this site, which comes from the different entities, it must be formally requested from the site administrators. Every request for publication must include the following information.
- Full name and position of the person requesting it.
- Unit to which it is attached.
- Name of the event, activity, as well as a brief description of a paragraph.
- Duration and validity of its publication.
These publication policies are subject to update to improve the service offered on this website, so it is recommended to review them periodically at this same address.
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On the origin of the contents. The contents published on this website of the Casa Gemela They are exclusively for informational purposes. The information that is presented is, in most cases, provided by entities of the university network and to Unless otherwise specified, it can be consulted through the credits of this website.
On the veracity and accuracy of the information. Those responsible for the site, They are in charge of verifying the veracity and accuracy of the information that is presented. In the cases in which there is any correction or observation of the contents of the site must send through one of the methods that are mentioned in the credits page of the site, for verification and, where appropriate, correction.
About links to foreign sites. Through this website you can find links to other websites that are not under the control of the Casa Gemela, so the content presented in them or its availability depends on their managers. In the cases in which the link refers to an event, activity, call or promotion, are your organizers responsible for the accuracy and reliability of the information, as well as everything related to the execution.
About the availability of the service. Those responsible for this website undertake to do everything possible to have it always available to the public, however we do not we hold responsible for technical problems beyond our control that cause failures temporary.
The Casa Gemela reserves the right to make updates to this statement of the liability limit for which we recommend you review this document periodically to be aware of these changes.
Casa Gemela 2025