Simbiosis · Lorraine Toohey · Tania Cámara | Casa Gemela
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  • Simbiosis · Lorraine Toohey · Tania Cámara

June 2024



Recognize the wisdom of
nature is a task
naturally human.

We come from nature, we live in
nature, with nature and
also about nature, because
We are not only nature.

We are the wise women of nature, who
They can know everything that happens in
and can establish a symbiosis with
she who favors the lives of all
Raimon Panikkar, Ecosophy. The wisdom
of the Earth, 2015

In an intuitive act guided by contemplative experience, the work of Tania Cámara (Mérida, Yucatán) and Lorraine Toohey (Edmonton, Canada) calls for a radical transformation in our actions as we relate to the nature that surrounds us through plastic and visual language. with which they decipher the ways of life of which we are part. 
That system of symbiotic relationships between different species in which the most powerful forces of evolution are found, the support of life on Earth.

Through a selection of paintings, totemic sculptures and a series of experimental ceramics, the exhibition presents the traces of an ancestral memory based on codes, patterns, colors, matter and energy, elemental expressions of the biological structures that the artists notice. of the environment they cohabit, as a manifestation of the sense of connection, belonging, care, affection and love to their immediate ecosystem, to the water, the land and the experience of their life in communication with them. A symbiotic vision in which two perspectives interact that recognize the visible plant formations above the ground, as a reflection of what is happening below in the rhizosphere.

The trace and mold of the invisible relationships that weave the forces of connection with other biological systems through their sensitive approach: here we find new ways of artistically approaching the landscape; perhaps also with the attempt to assume the last records of a terrestrial life that is about to disappear. Think and act from that life. 

Cultivated in a search for contemplation and nature, both women share their artistic research in the present exhibition through a set of pieces made during the last three years, integrating the production of the last cycle of Tania's native trees, the container vessels of Wisdom and the Ancestors of Lorraine series; In the latter, there is the clan of totems -doodem- guardians of energies that begin the route in the garden of the House and that have been made expressly as a specific site installation. 

Flora, fauna and funga, the three terrestrial kingdoms present in this exhibition, bring into account how the arts are powerful portals to celebrate our experience on Earth, in its condition as a multiversal language - and multispecies - considering human creativity as a form of remember and cohabit in reciprocity with the creation of life.

Curator: Regina Tattersfield Y.


He was born in the city of Mérida, Yucatán. At an early age she began her painting studies and developed her love for art.
With more than 50 exhibitions, among which stand out: 1992, January. Second place in the Fernando García Ponce award, held by the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Yucatán. 1992, May. Exhibition at the Mural Art Gallery in the city of Cleveland, Ohio, USA 1994, December. Individual exhibition at the “José Peón Contreras” Theater Gallery in Mérida, Yucatán. 2000, October.

Exhibition in the general archive of the Nation in Mexico. 2017, December. Collective exhibition “Colors
of Yucatán” in the Senate of the Republic in CDMX. 2018, September. Group exhibition “Art 1010 in Lincoln”, Mérida, Yucatán. 2019, August. Collective exhibition “In the Sea of ​​Stories” at the Arte 1010 Gallery, Progreso, Yucatán. 2019, December. Participation in the “Inspire Miami”, Florida, Miami.

For the creative history of the artist it represents
a mark on his own journey marked by his
obsesión y pasión por el color que igual transforma
objects that masks, faces or
wild and tropical nature… – Mónica Rangel


Lorraine completed her degree in Bellas Artes
from the University of Alberta, Canada in 1988. He specialized in sculpture (abstract welded steel) and
a minor in drawing. After a long trip through the Southeast
Asian and Indian, he also studied Eastern religion,
which began his interest and devotion to Buddhism
Tibetan. Later, he earned a bachelor's degree in
Visual Art Education and completed all
courses for a master's degree in Art Education.

Lorraine taught Visual Arts in Vancouver for
more than 20 years and was distinguished by her devotion to her
her students, many of them entered various
university visual arts programs. She retired
from her school in 2014 and settled in Mérida

Since moving to Mérida, Lorraine has
experienced with various topics, materials and
techniques. She likes to explore, both on her trips and
in her art.

His “New Work” reflects a return to abstraction
through the clay. His handmade vessels
reflect the earth in its organic form and all its
His inspiration comes from nature.